Monday, March 1, 2010

38 (Your mother and I are both feeling bad, but things will get better, they won't stay this sad)

A List of Things to Do... Tomorrow:

1. Call Darryl
2. Mail Check
3. Open bank account?
4. Check on Passport
5. Ride my new bike??
6. Practice Driving
7. Call my dad
8. Buy envelopes/stamps
9. Get new charger
10. Return movies
11. Work Out!
12. Brainstorm on writing project
13. Read Whiteout
14. Start playing with charcoals
15. Research jobs

Clean skin, laced with ink
and hair
golden in the light
darker in the wind
bare legs
feet covered by shoes
too big to ignore
but unseen in the blackout
arms crossed
in the store
candles lit and listening to the whispers of the rain
the clashing of thunder
rapping on the roof
begging to be let in
we stand in silence
flickering lights, ATM
a moment of dyslexia- MTA
and homesickness for an instant
flickering lights
on the C train late at night
from New to New,
will it ever get old?
Me, the migrant
Me, in a city so small
in a world so large
Here, I am reminded of roots
paths cross again, with years or more apart
one is silver, the other is gold
everyone lit and plated with their
amour... j'adore..
je t'adore, je suis fatigue et je veux un moment de silence.
Le silence pendant que le tonnerre frappe
mendier laisse entrer
Moi, dans une ville si petit
dans un monde si grand
avec la peau propre et les grandes chaussures
mendier laisse entrer

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