Monday, June 21, 2010

44 (You will believe in love...)

I am tired of empty words and continuing a discussion that doesn't go anywhere or mean anything.

I am tired of sleeping restlessly and waking up in a world of dreams, narrow and misguided.
Nest. Nest. Nest. Nest.

I would like to waltz in french and dip you in a lavender dress.
I would like to wake up in a haze of heat and light, with drops of dew as the sole clarity in the world. What earth would be in the summer, if all the moss would overgrow my conscious self.
If all the stringent blood and acerbic words would take a moment to swirl up in a cloud of imagination, if all the awkward scenes would fast forward... so fast that the world would be one of haze and heat.
the sun would ripple the streets
there i would be
peeling at the edges

strip off every layer and find there is a cloud
vapors, water
a mist dissolved

all my thoughts are only a breath
the thick coating of experience
on my tongue

high blades of grass
fingernails with a thin crust of mud
making dimples in the ground

i can hide here, in the meadows un-mowed.
let the body be

once the skin and bone have pared
a light will escape
brighter than the sun

the quiet of an eternal moments imagination
stretched with longing
summer lasts forever


  1. You've been busy. Beautiful poetry. I was just lamenting that no one seems to be writing anything interesting anymore.

  2. thank you shannon that means a lot to me

  3. Risk, to make a go with you.
    I've always liked you
    and not just enough
    for you to like me

    it's years more than that.
