Wednesday, February 18, 2009

7 (You grace me with your cold shoulder, whenever you look at me i wish i was her)

AH. so we have finished the second coat of mud in one room. almost 2. this is good progress. 

im also an asshole who spends too much money. 

I have decided to compose a list of my fearrssssss:

1. being murdered, esp. by someone in my family. who knows why haha
2. falling/tripping while walking on the street
3. being useless
4. not making eye contact when its appropriate 
5. coming off as someone i am not
6. being overrated
7. being underrated
8. doing things poorly, especially physical things like sports
9. never being able to commit to a person. 
10. people overhearing me having a private conversation
11. making awful mistakes
12. living a cookie cutter life

the light hits the street
mosquitos chase us for blood
will it rain today?

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